Beautys Cafe

Muscle Recovery



In sports training, muscle recovery times are not an option. As part of a competition, they are integral to the preparation cycle. Indeed, it is not only physical effort that is important; lifestyle and rest are also essential axes.

By allowing the body to pause and recover, we give it the time it needs to regenerate and have all the necessary forces to set the goal gently.

To Avoid Cramps And Body Aches

During an intense sports session, the muscles are often overloaded. It is even more true if they have remained inactive for a while. The consequence of this significant effort often results in microlesions, better known as body aches.

To help the muscles better cope with the sudden load caused by sports, it is essential to help them relax through the recovery phases.

Indeed, by chaining the workouts without giving your muscles time to recover, you accumulate muscle tension and multiply the risk of injury. Cramps can also be caused by an unusual effort that is too intense, a lack of hydration and a poor diet.

How To Put It Into Practice for Muscle Recovery?

Active recovery

It is purely physical and is practised throughout a long sports session and in the very last part. The goal is to help the body eliminate toxins accumulated in the blood during exercise. It can result in walking or a light jog. The goal is to allow the muscle to recover without abruptly stopping physical activity.

Passive recovery

It concerns everything that follows or that accompanies a sports session. Several techniques allow the body and muscles to enjoy a moment of recovery passively. It ranges from stretching to limit muscle stiffness to massage, sleep, diet and hydration.


How often have you forced your stretches at the end of the session, thinking that it would allow you to avoid aches and pains? In reality, forcing on margins can even aggravate the situation. You should know that stiffness is a microlesion suffered by the muscle during the session.

It reflects an effort that is too intense. Stretching is intended to help the tense muscle relax. On the other hand, they intervene too late if the lesion has already been caused. In addition, it is essential to avoid straining on stretches at the risk of increasing injury or muscle pain.

Why Does Nutrition Promote Muscle Recovery?

During a muscular effort, many physiological elements are upset. It is mainly the case for the digestive system, which can undergo a decrease in blood supply during exercise. Water loss, fat burning (lipolysis) and impaired muscle cell integrity are also consequences of exertion. Well-targeted nutrition allows the body to retain all its strength and progress.


This mineral salt converts carbohydrates and lipids into energy and therefore helps nourish muscle cells. It also acts in the muscle recovery phase as relaxing.

Magnesium is essential for the body’s proper functioning, especially in the neuromuscular system. On the other hand, it is not manufactured by the body and must therefore be provided by the diet.


BCAAs are a mixture of 3 essential amino acids: leucine, isoleucine and valine. They act as stimulants for metabolic recovery. In addition, they are the first amino acids degraded during a sports effort. A new intake is, therefore, necessary to allow the body to supplant this loss.


It is a molecule naturally present in the muscles and brain. This substance participates in the replenishment of energy stores in muscle tissues. It is beneficial for athletes whose activity is intense and repeated.


This molecule is synthesized by glutamine and glucose. Glucosamine participates in the construction and maintenance of muscle fibre. In addition, it reduces inflammatory disorders and muscle pain and engages in the joints’ good elasticity.

On the other hand, its natural manufacture is limited, and it isn’t easy to fill a need for glucosamine through the diet. It is why it is often used in the composition of dietary supplements.

Use Of A Food Supplement: Our Advice

To optimize your chances of results on the sports level, taking a dietary supplement in favour of recovery is a good option. On the other hand, it should be borne in mind that this supplement does not replace a healthy lifestyle. Without restful sleep and a healthy, balanced diet, the benefits of these food substitutes would be diminished.

In addition, depending on the supplement chosen, the conditions and frequency of use may vary. Before considering a course of food supplements, we advise you to check the usual precautions and follow the dosage indicated to avoid overdoses.